School Enrollment
School Enrollment Information Online Enrollment Link Please email the CKMS Registrar, Anne Young, or call 425-831-8227 for more information.
** Parents must provide current immunization records, birth certificate, withdrawal form from previous school, most recent report card & test scores, and a current utility bill with physical address prior to enrollment. If a Parenting Plan or Restraining Order is in effect, the school needs to have a copy. Please allow 48 hours for the enrollment process to be completed after the above paperwork has been turned in.
Back To School Forms
Medical Forms (Required)
REQUIRED: Update your child's health for the school nurse.
OPTIONAL: Medication forms
If any medication is required at school (over-the-counter and prescription), the medication forms must be completed by a licensed health care provider and parent before the student can return to school.
- Confidential Emergency Health Information - English
- Confidential Emergency Health Information - Spanish
- Please print, scan or take a picture, and email to JENNIFER DALGLEISH
- Please print, scan or take a picture, and email forms to the nurse: JENNIFER DALGLEISH
- For general medications:
- For Seizure care:
- For Diabetic care:
- Please print, scan or take a picture, and email forms to the nurse: JENNIFER DALGLEISH
Student Insurance Form (Required)
Student Insurance - please complete the Student Insurance Letter, confirming that your student has insurance and return to the office
FERPA Opt-Out Form (Optional)
OPTIONAL: FERPA District Opt-Out Form
Parents who do not want directory information or photographic images released must submit an Opt-Out request in writing to their student's school office annually - by September 15 each year.
Scan and email this form to the Registrar at CKMS, Anne Young.