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World Language Competency Credit Program

World Language Competency Credit Program

What is the World Language Competency Credit Program?

The World Language Credit Program is a way for students to earn high school credit(s) for a language they already know.  Students who speak, read, and write a language other than English may earn up to 4.0 World Language credits, the equivalent of four years of classroom-based study.  Meeting credit requirements through language competency testing provides students with greater flexibility to learn a 3rd language, explore other course interests, or simply advance in the learning of the same language, whatever most closely meets a student's post high school plan.

Students who earn four World Language Competency Credits are also eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy.  Click here for Seal of Biliteracy details.

Does My College Accept World Language Competency Credits?

  • Most Washington universities accept competency credits for World Language entrance requirements, but be sure to check with the specific schools in which you are interested.
  • Competitive colleges prefer to see actual World Language coursework on a transcript.  Students who earn credits through the World Language Competency Credit program should also have classroom credits.

Language Competency Testing & Registration

SVSD students in grades 8-12 will have two opportunities to test.  SVSD will cover the cost of the first assessment. 

Winter 2023 Testing & Registration:

  • Registration Window:  November 30 - January 5 (11:59 p.m.)
  • Assessment Date: February 1 or 8 (a date will be assigned based on language assessed); students will also need to schedule a followup speaking test
  • Assessment Time & Location: 8:00 a.m., MSHS Library (8th graders can take their neighborhood middle school bus to MSHS; transportation will also be provided back to their middle schools when testing concludes
  • Cost: First attempt for each language is free for SVSD students; Students will pay for second testing attempts. Financial assistance is available for heritage speakers and students who qualify for free/reduced priced meals.
  • Registration Link:

Testing Resources

Click HERE to access:

  • A list of languages and the assessment used by SVSD to assess proficiency
  • Links to practice tests
  • Proficiency levels for Washington state world language competency testing & the number of credits granted
  • Sample assessment benchmarks and rubric guide
  • Comparison of European language assessments to Washington state world language proficiency tests