High School & Beyond Planning
- Identification of career goals, aided by a skills and career interest inventory assessment;
- Identification of educational goals for graduation and beyond;
- Four-year plan for course-taking in high school that fulfills state and local graduation requirements and aligns with the student's career and educational goals;
- Resume or activity log by end of 12th grade that provides a written compilation of the student's activities/athletics, leadership opportunities, work experience, or community service that can be used for writing personal statements, application essays, or scholarship applications;
- When needed, interventions, academic support, and/or courses that enable a student to meet high school graduation requirements.
To get an overview of the High School and Beyond Plan, check out the Issaquah School District video.
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School Counselors
Chief Kanim Middle School
Amy Benolkin Students A - L benolkina@svsd410.org
Jennifer Hemker Students M - Z hemkerj@svsd410.org
Snoqualmie Middle School
Andrea Antone Students M - Z antonea@svsd410.org
John Coulon Students A - L coulonj@svsd410.org
Twin Falls Middle School
Dawn Dugan Students A - L dugand@svsd410.org
Rache Barranco Students M - Z barrancor@svsd410.org
Mount Si High School
Rick Dempsey Students A - Da dempseyr@svsd410.org Lindsay Clark Students De - Ho clarklv@svsd410.org Miranda Partridge Students Hu - Mi partridgem@svsd410.org Rachel Raff Students Mo - Se raffr@svsd410.org Shauna Jacobs Students Sh - Z jacobss@svsd410.org
Two Rivers School
Elaine Maimon maimone@svsd410.org